This is a really great article all about houseplants from the Washington Post, and featuring commentary from our friends at Flora Plant Shop in Nashville!
Of special interest to us is the section about pottery - terra cotta pots are still essential, but other colored clays, such as our Basalt and Granite clays are also great, affordable options:
As your plants grow and thrive, you’ll need to spend more money to repot them. But don’t throw away your old pots or feel pressured to fill them immediately. Instead, keep them for reuse in the future, or consider swapping empty pots with friends as needed.
There are also ways to be budget-conscious while shopping for planters. “Terracotta is typically the most affordable when it comes to pottery,” says Howat, “and there are beautiful options available that aren’t the standard orange clay.”
All photos shown are from Flora Plant Shop's incredible displays.